How To Poetry Slam: A Detailed Guide

Spoken-word poetry is a growing trend. It is not the words that matter but the way you present them. This is what makes slam writers stand out from other poets and writers. You must make your poetry stand out at a poetry competition. There are many ways to learn poetry, but you might like to use your slam poetry to compete in a poetry slam in New York City.

These steps will help you to make your poetry read at poetry readings.

Materials Required

These are the essential tools you need to create poetry in slam. These include:

  • The rules may dictate how your poem should look or what time you can keep it.
  • You will need several pieces of paper to draft your ideas
  • Strong internet connections are essential for a computer.
  • Writing utensils: Pens and pencils

You may want to purchase a camera and a recording device to help you practice your poem. During your poem reading, you might want to get the audience involved. Before you finish your poem, it is possible to view the sounds. By doing this, you can make adjustments to the way your poem is read, spoken, and word choices in order to make it more effective for your audience.

Here are some steps to help you start your slam poetry.

Step 1: Watch Slam Poems In Action

You might want to read some poems that have been presented before you begin writing your slam poetry. You might want to check out a coffee shop for a poetry contest. An auditorium may host a poetry slam.

To find out if there are any other important competitions in your area, you may want to look online. YouTube may be a good option if you are unable to find any competitions in your area. There are many slam poems to choose from. For instance, some people prefer to read more in a formal style, while others prefer to stream their thoughts.

There are several ways to present a poetry slam, so it is worth listening to multiple readings. Take notes as you listen to the poems. Next, take notes about what you like and dislike about the poems you have found. This will give you something to use as a template for your poem once you’ve started.

Sonnets might be something you enjoy.

Step 2: Choose a topic

Next, decide on the topic of your slam poems. Check the rules for the competition to make sure you are following a particular format. This will ensure that your poem doesn’t become too complicated later on.

You have the freedom to choose any topic that interests you. You could choose to honor a person who has had a significant impact on your life. It could also be an important event that occurred in the past. You might need to investigate a major issue in the area.

Write about something that motivates you to take action. Your words will flow more easily if you do this. Keep in mind that this presentation is for an audience. Your audience will be more inclined to take part if you show passion about the topic. Your poem will do better no matter what the judges are judging it.

Step 3: Keep your eyes on the five senses

Once you have chosen a topic, it’s time to begin writing. You don’t need to create a complete poem from scratch when you start writing your first draft. It is better to get a few words down on paper that you can use later. When choosing the words for your poem, keep in mind the five senses.

Ideally, you should write a poem that is focused on each sense. To make the sentence more interesting, you might write “I ate one steak.” Perhaps, you might write “I cut into this beautiful steak with 90В° grill lines pressed in to the surface that were so tender I thought it didn’t require a knife at all.”

Step 4: Make a stanza with the words

Once you have many words down on the screen, it is now time to create stanzas. Try to group words in a way that flows naturally.

You need to make words match together in a meaningful way, but you also have to consider the spoken rhythm. Although your poem doesn’t have to rhyme, it is helpful if they rhyme.

It doesn’t mean that you have to stop creating new content. Consider incorporating something you like into your poem. The draft is not your final copy. It is possible to combine multiple options that you can read aloud.

Step 5: Edit your poem

Once you are satisfied with your draft, it’s time to edit the poem. Poetry Slam is only possible if you read the poem aloud. The spoken rhythm and content should be your main focus. You may have to change the word choice if you are having trouble understanding certain lines of the poem.

You should cut or reorder any long lines you find. You should not be afraid to change or cut words in a poem. It is important to create the best poem possible, so take your time and get it right. An online thesaurus can help you find synonyms to replace words. You can then read the poem aloud once more has been edited. You will feel that your draft flows easily from beginning to end.

Step 6: Add Drama

Now it’s time for drama. You can score higher scores if your audience responds. You can get your audience to react to the poem in a variety of ways.

It is a great way to share your poem with others. You might want to share it with family and friends. You can also get feedback from them. Ask them what words they believe are most important. Ask them to tell you what their thoughts are about word selection. You can ask them whether they read at a pace that suits them.

You may get suggestions from your family and friends on ways to improve your dramatic reading. Is it necessary to whisper in a certain place? Are you allowed to shout at certain places? Do you need speed or slow reading? It will make it easier to keep the attention of the audience if your reading speed is controlled. Practice reading the poem to family and friends by dramatizing it.

Top Tips for Poetry Slam

There are a few things you need to remember if you want the best slam poems. These are:

1. Be original, but have a source of inspiration

You must be unique when you create your Slam poem. While you don’t want to be accused for plagiarism, it is possible to find inspiration from other poets. Find inspiration to create a stunning slam poem.

A trip you took may be a good example of what you could use to fuel your slam poems. Consider keeping a photo book from your trip next to you. Talk to someone you care about before you begin writing. You should always have someone to draw inspiration from when you write original poems.

2. The Poem Related

Simpler poems are better when you’re not sure. You will get a lot of points based on the reaction of the audience to your poem. The audience will respond more easily to a relatable poetry.

It is not enough to have fancy terms for poetry from creative writing in your slam poems. You must choose topics that most people can relate too. Writing about insecurities, family problems, religion and politics is one example. Your poem should convey a message.

3. Keep in mind that there is a time limit

Participating as a poet slam competitor doesn’t guarantee that you will be able to speak as long as possible. You are limited in time. Poetry slams usually allow you three minutes to perform. Even though you want the audience to be impressed, too much time can lead to losing points. Practice your poem beforehand.

Consider how many words are in your poem as well as how fast you read it. Your audience might not be able to absorb your content if you hurry. However, if your poem is longer than the limit, you may need to shorten it.

4. Inspire emotion through your reading

After you feel confident in your poem, practice reading it aloud with emotion. It is important to consider how you deliver your message. What speed are you willing to speak? Are you looking to add some emotion? Are there any critical points in the poem that you want to emphasize? You might also want to read it aloud to family and friends to get their opinions.

5. Write a poem.

Poetry Slams often require that you remember the poem. It is a good idea to remember the poem, even if not necessary. You can now focus on your audience, not your piece. It’s easier to get your audience involved when you concentrate on them. You can make eye contact and engage people with your poem. This increases the number of participants. This will help you score higher points in the poetry slam.

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  • emersonmckinney

    Emerson McKinney is a 31-year-old mother and blogger who focuses on education. Emerson has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Carolina. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and blogger who writes about her experiences as a mother and educator. Emerson is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.