How To Quote Poems In Academic Paper Using MLA Style

Many students are curious about how to quote poetry in an academic paper. Writing an essay is difficult. You must create a reference page. It is important to be familiar with the following styles of academic writing in order to properly do this.

  • According to the Modern Language Association (MLA),
  • APA
  • Turabian
  • Harvard

These are some of the most popular paper formats you will see. They can be used to accurately quote novels and poems. This guide will show you how to accurately quote poems in MLA format.

Next, select the quotations that best fit the overall work. It is best to read a perfectly formatted paper on a poem that has been written by an expert. Then, follow the structure. Make sure your final draft includes at least 95-97% authentic text. Students may lose points or not earn high grades if they do not.

What and why you might need to cite a poem

Although it is not difficult to correctly quote a poem, the most difficult thing is knowing when to do so. Sometimes, writers use quotes without considering if they are useful in their essay.

There is no one right way to quote a poem. It depends on many factors, such as the style of the author, the essay’s length, and other issues.

This doesn’t mean you should quit trying. These are two great ways to know when to quote a poem.

1. Only use quotes when absolutely necessary

Ask yourself if the quote adds value to your writing. You can use your quote to add support to the entire essay. To make writing simpler and clearer, you might also include a poem within your work.

Some authors avoid quoting. However, this is not the best method. You can explain the words first, then move on to the meaning.

2. You can use poetry to support arguments

It is impossible to find the exact poem in which your argument was written. The author formulates their own arguments. They then explain why they believe this argument is correct using supporting evidence such as quotes.

Consider, for example, Edgar’s Poe “The Raven” and how it can be argued that the Raven represents the writer’s sadness over Lenore. This could be used to demonstrate the sadness, grief, anger, and feeling of great loss. It can be difficult to find the right balance, and you must feel it sometimes.

For inspiration, you can look online for examples of good quotes. It takes practice and knowledge to properly quote poems.

How to Quote an MLA Poem

You can use quotation marks to quote MLA style poems. You can quote up to 2 lines. To mark breaks, use a slash and then separate them by spaces. It is important to check whether you use the same style and capitalization as the author.


“She walks like the night / With cloudless climes, starry skies, and all that’s good about dark and bright / She is beautiful.

Put a double space after a stanza that is not in the line of the short poem.


“Which heaven is gaudy in the day that denies. // One shade is more than one ray, / Had half impaired grace’s nameless grace” (Lord Byron).

A block quote is required when you are quoting poetry that has more than three lines. Your quote should start on a brand new line. Use line breaks instead of quotation marks.


She walks in beauty and night.

Starry skies and cloudless skies

All the best of bright and dark

Take a look at her face and see her eyes.

This is how you become a tender, gentle light.

What heaven can you say?

Block quotes should be formatted exactly the same way as the original.

The Meaning and Title of the Poem

The title and the stanzas of all poems are usually given. Subtitles may be added to some poems.

A title is the name of a poem. An author may also add a subtitle to give more information about the entire poem. Subtitles are usually written in italics.

Common mistakes people make when reading poetry are to skip the title and jump straight to what they are reading. The subtitle may not be important, but it is essential.

You should start by reading the poem’s title and sub-title before you read it. Consider what you know about the subtitle and title. Make a prediction about the content of this poem.

General Rules for In-Text Citations in Poems

To allow readers to locate the source of a poem in the References section, it is essential to quote a poem. You can quote multiple poems by the same author if you do so.

Before you begin writing an essay on a specific poem, it is important to understand the anthology of the literature. When you quote a poem or poem, you should usually include its title and author. You should always cite the title and name of the poet if you are unsure about the poem you wish to quote.

Page numbers and line-in parenthetical citations

Line numbers are used to identify poems. To locate these lines more precisely, you can include them in your quotations. Write “line” in your first quote. However, you can only use numbers in the subsequent quotes.


“But tell about days in goodness wasted, / An mind at peace, / And a heart whose loves are innocent. (Byron, lines 16-18).

If the lines are not numbered, it is unnecessary to count them. Write the page number if the poem is lengthy and has been published on multiple pages.


“Nor do you need me to repine” / All these charms are gone / I could have watched long decay. (Byron, 23).

If you can’t find the page number (this could happen if you are reading a poem online), or if the poem appears only on one page, then you will need to add the name of the author.

“That host with its banners at sunset were visible: / Like the autumn leaves when the forest has given way to the trees, / That host on morrow was withered and strown.” (Byron).

You don’t need a parenthetical reference if the title of the poem has already been written and the author is inserted while you introduce the quote.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t be embarrassed to order online assistance. You won’t have to waste time if you hire professional writers. All students can afford the prices.


  • emersonmckinney

    Emerson McKinney is a 31-year-old mother and blogger who focuses on education. Emerson has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Carolina. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and blogger who writes about her experiences as a mother and educator. Emerson is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.