The Idea Of Apocalypse In Children Of Man And Snowpiercer

The term “apocalypse”, is used in reference to the destruction of or end of the earth. Science fiction films often explore this theme as it is a topic that can attract audiences. The Bible mentions the apocalypse, but does not go into detail about the end of world, making the subject more mysterious. Science fiction films use biblical elements in their films to further explore this idea and increase the mystery. Children of Men, and Snowpiercer both use biblical elements in their apocalyptic stories to discuss the end of the world. Snowpiercer, as well as Children of Men, use biblical symbols to symbolize the purging of human sin. The concept of God’s saving grace is interpreted differently in both films. Children of Men has a protagonist who represents Jesus and brings salvation for humans. Snowpiercer’s Wilford is an eerily god-like figure that destroys human beings instead of bringing them salvation.

Children of Men & Snowpiercer both use certain Biblical stories to illustrate that the destruction of our world is symbolic of a purging of sin. The idea of purging sins is a Bible concept. The Bible’s story of Sodom and Gomorrah illustrates the idea that sin must be purified. In Genesis, two cities Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed by fire & sulfur for their wickedness. In Genesis, the destruction of two cities that are sinful represents a purifying act. Children of Men also shows this element from the Bible. The movie depicts a world full of crises caused by humans, such as pollution, nuclear accidents and social division. All of these crises are caused by humans and lead to their destruction. While the world in this movie isn’t destroyed by fire, like Sodom or Gomorrah was, the destruction will come from the extinction of humans due to severe infertility. These crises are a symbol of sin because they were created by human selfishness and cruelty. In this way, the destruction in Children of Men represents a purifying of sin. The world is filled with sin. Snowpiercer’s story is actually based on “the ark Noah” from the Bible. In Genesis, water is used to destroy the earth, and also as a way of purifying sinful humans. In the movie, the world’s destruction is caused by ice instead of water as humans try to combat global heating through a scientific project. Humans are seen to be guilty of destroying nature because it was created by their selfishness. The ice represents a flood of water that cleanses the sin of humans.

Children of Men as well Snowpiercer use the Biblical element to explore Adam and Eve’s symbol. Adam and Eve, two biblical characters, are portrayed. After the creation of the earth, Adam becomes the first man to rule the planet. Eve, who is made from Adam’s rib, is then created to be his companion or wife. They are responsible for the birth of human beings, and they also contribute to civilization. Children of Men shows that humans become infertile without any reason. There hasn’t been a child born for 18 years. This has led to the extinction of humans. Kee, a pregnant woman, is the exception. As she is the only pregnant woman for 18 years, it’s like God has given her a gift. Kee delivers a healthy baby girl in the movie. Kee represents Eve in this way. Eve is the Bible’s first woman to give birth to a human child. Kee, although not the first woman to bear a child on earth, is the only one to manage to have a human offspring in 18 years. Kee represents Eve and the baby girl symbolizes the first child in 18 years. This is the beginning of a new era for humans. In Snowpiercer the people in the train are the only survivors on earth, as the ice kills all other humans. The lower class revolts inside the train, as they live in horrendous conditions and the upper class in the front has the best food. The rebellious individuals finally take advantage of the conditions inside the car and crash the train into the mountain. Only two people survive the crash of the train. The ending is when they get off the train to discover that Earth can survive. The girl, and the boy represent Adam & Eve because only they can bring offspring on earth. They represent the beginning of human lives and bring civilization back to earth.

Children of Men & Snowpiercer discuss salvation of God but have very different perspectives. Jesus sacrifices his own life to bring hope to humans. Theo represents Jesus because his name resembles the greek? ??? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Theo’s sandals are a reference for Jesus and his feet. Theo keeps Kee’s baby safe throughout the movie. It is a sign that Theo can be like Jesus in saving humans. Theo, who brought Kee on the boat and sacrificed himself, dies at the end. In a sense, the sacrifice of Theo is Jesus’ salvation. Theo is a modern-day Jesus because he successfully saves human beings by bringing Kee, the baby, and human project organisation. He gives new life to those who are facing the threat of extinction. Wilford builds the engine in Snowpiercer to help save the human race from the ice-age. The train, as mentioned earlier, is similar to Noah’s Ark, which saves humans from the end. Wilford, then, is like a god who saves humans. Wilford builds the train out selfishness. His greed and selfishness can be seen by his control over passengers. Wilford, as the creator of this train, is like God and can control the people on it. He wants to be the one who controls all resources and has power, so he creates a class divide. The front seat passengers can get the best food while the back seat passengers are treated horribly. Poor people are given protein bars; Minister Mason also punishes and oppresses them. The class difference is what causes the last car to rebel against the rich because they are fed up with their oppression. The opposite is true. Wilford wants to take over the god-like authority by governing the people. Wilford does not really save people from “sin and its consequences”. The class gap leads him to destroy another group of people.

In summary, the apocalypse theme is explored by science fiction films because it is popular and can attract their attention. Science fiction films use biblical elements in order to convey the idea of the apocalypse. Children of Men & Snowpiercer are apocalyptic SF films that explore apocalypse using biblical elements. Snowpiercer, as well as Children of Men, use biblical symbols to symbolize the purging of sin in humans. In both films, however, the concept of God’s saving grace is interpreted in different ways. Children of Men has Theo, who is Jesus in disguise, sacrifice himself for the human race and bring salvation. Snowpiercer shows Wilford, an almost godlike figure that destroys humans instead of bringing them salvation.


  • emersonmckinney

    Emerson McKinney is a 31-year-old mother and blogger who focuses on education. Emerson has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Carolina. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and blogger who writes about her experiences as a mother and educator. Emerson is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.