Picking The Best Title For A Research Paper: 25 Great Suggestions

No matter where you are in your academic career, the title of your research paper matters. It will affect your ability and confidence to write it. And how your readers will interpret and perceive it. The paper could be ruined if you choose a bad title. There are 25 great titles for research papers.

– Witchcraft: The Impact of The Salem Witch Trials On American Communities
Explore the similarities between ancient Olympians (and modern-day Olympic athletes).
– Was the Global Financial Crisis caused by greedy banks or by consumers relying too heavily on low-interest credit?
– Can there be any similarities between the Suffragettes of the past and today’s women’s rights movements?
– How do you break voter apathy? Could forcing first-time voters into voting make a difference?
Hackers such as Anonymous claim that they are orchestrating massive hacks for ethical purposes. Are hacking crimes ever justifiable?
– Supressing whistleblowers The Snowden Effect: It has become a common practice to prosecute and even persecute people who want to report wrongdoing. Do we need to take the opposite approach when it comes to whistleblowing
A monastery life: Is this the way to reverse the current trend towards promiscuity?
– Evolution and the evolution of our species. Examine evolutionary patterns over time in humans to determine where we might go next in our evolutionary journey.
– Search engines and algorithms: A necessary tool for predicting consumer needs, or a gross invasion of our privacy?
Global pandemics: Are mass extinctions the future? Oder could Ebola be the end of large swathes?
– Are Meteorites a Threat to Our Survival?
– Who controls outer space: Is it beneficial for the general population for businesses to invest in and make a profit from deep space mining?
– What are optical illusions and what are the root causes of them?
– Vatican corruption: a history of Vatican coverups.
– Amelia Earhart – Uncovering the mystery of what happened
– The Bermuda Triangle – Discover the science behind these myths
– Atlantis: An investigation into its likely locations
– The gender gap: Why are some companies still accepting lower pay for women doing the same jobs as their male counterparts? What can governments do to fix this problem?
– Wuthering Heights. Was Emily Bronte the one who wrote it?
Bram Stoker: How was “Dracula” created?
Boudicca: Roman Puppet or heroine?
– The Gunpowder plot – Consider an alternative reality where the plot was successful
– Dutch Right to Abolite the “Welfare State”.
Compare the British and Scandinavian childcare models.


  • emersonmckinney

    Emerson McKinney is a 31-year-old mother and blogger who focuses on education. Emerson has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Carolina. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and blogger who writes about her experiences as a mother and educator. Emerson is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.