The Lightning Thief: Percy Jackson’s Character Analysis

Percy Jackson has undergone a significant transformation as a person in Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The character is radically different from the one portrayed in the first chapter of The Lightning Thief. The Percy Jackson essay will examine this character’s transformation through the story.

Percy Jackson. He’s twelve and tells us about his year. Percy, who is in his sixth grade, discovers something wrong on the first day after summer. Or perhaps, he is doing something right. He discovers that he’s a half blood: half human, half god. He is brought to Camp Half-Blood, a New York camp that protects kids like him from monsters who like to attack them. Percy discovers new information about himself. His father was Poseidon. The god of water and brother of Zeus, Hades and Hades. Poseidon’s theft of Zeus’ master bolt (the item that allows Zeus create lightning when he desires) is blamed on him. Zeus warns Poseidon to return the master bolt by the summer solstice or he’ll declare war against him. Poseidon finds it offensive that Zeus could even make such an accusation.

Percy goes on a mission to recover Zeus’ master bolt. Hades is thought to have it imprisoned in the Underworld. Grover, Percy’s BFF, as well as Annabeth, the smart demi goddess and daughter of Athena, help Percy. The three travel by bus, train, truck and taxi to Los Angeles to reach the Underworld gates. On their way, the three make stops in St. Louis Denver Las Vegas. On their journey, they encounter monsters such as Medusa and the Gateway Arch. They also find themselves in trouble on the observation deck. Ares, the god of warfare, tricks them.

Percy learns in the Underworld that Hades lacks Zeus’s masterbolt and also his own power symbol: the helmet of darkness. Hades accuses Percy that he stole both the master-bolt and the helm for Poseidon. He accuses Poseidon’s power-hunger. Percy then talks with Hades, and the master-bolt magically appears inside his backpack. Percy and Annabeth meet Ares on Santa Monica’s beach after escaping Hades. Percy finds out from Ares that Ares is the one who stole the master-bolt and the helms of darkness. Ares is lured by the prospect of starting one of history’s biggest wars between Hades Zeus Poseidon. Percy fights Ares on the beach. Percy wins the Helm of Darkness by wounding Ares. Ares places a curse on Percy. Percy sends the helms to Hades. Then he takes a plane from New York City and lands on the Empire State Building’s 600th floor, where Mount Olympus is located. Percy tells Zeus and Poseidon everything he knows about them and what he suspects. He says that Kronos (the Titan king who ruled before the Greek Gods) is preparing to wage war against the Olympians. Percy is having dreams where Kronos speaks with him. Zeus won’t listen to it. Poseidon tells Percy how proud he is of him. He also says that Percy will need to make a choice once he returns home to Queens.

Percy enjoys the summer of his life as a hero at Camp Half-Blood. He delays making a final decision on whether he’ll stay at Camp Half-Blood or move home to Queens with his mother. Percy and his friend Luke are lured to the woods at the end of the camp. Luke confesses Percy to being the original thief. Percy hears him tell Percy about his service to Kronos. Kronos intends to eliminate Olympians. Luke disappears, leaving behind a scorpion that will sting Percy. Percy was almost killed when a scorpion stung him, but wood nymphs saved him. Chiron, Percy’s teacher nursed him to health. Percy decides that he will live at home with his mother during his seventh grade year.

This essay is a conlusion of the character Percy Jackson. The character of Percy Jackson is a teenager who has just reached adolescence. He is thrown into an entirely new world and is forced to quickly mature. Percy never was a “normal kid” and soon learns why. Percy soon discovers that his ‘job’ is to be a half-blood.


  • emersonmckinney

    Emerson McKinney is a 31-year-old mother and blogger who focuses on education. Emerson has a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Carolina. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and blogger who writes about her experiences as a mother and educator. Emerson is also a contributing writer for the Huffington Post.